Top 10 Tourist place in Jordan


Petra is an ancient city located in present-day Jordan that was built by the Nabateans over 2,000 years ago. It is known for its unique architecture, which is carved into the rose-colored rock of the surrounding mountains. The most famous structure in Petra is the Treasury, which was featured in the movie Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. Petra was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1985 and is one of the New Seven Wonders of the World. The city is accessible via a narrow canyon called the Siq, and visitors can explore the ruins on foot or by horse-drawn carriage.

Top 10 Tourist place in Jordan

2.Wadi Rum

Wadi Rum, also known as "The Valley of the Moon," is a desert valley located in southern Jordan. It is known for its unique rock formations, sand dunes, and Bedouin culture. The area has been inhabited by Bedouins for thousands of years, and they still live there today. Wadi Rum is also known for its rich history, with many ancient inscriptions and rock art found throughout the area.

Wadi Rum is a popular spot for camping, hiking, and rock climbing. Visitors can also take camel or jeep tours to explore the area and learn about its history and culture. The area was also used as a filming location for several movies including Lawrence of Arabia and Red Planet.


Jerash is an ancient Roman city located in present-day Jordan. It is known for its well-preserved ruins, including the Forum, the Temple of Artemis, the South Theater, and the Hadrian's Arch. These ruins are considered some of the best-preserved examples of Roman architecture in the world. Jerash was founded by the Alexander the Great and was a thriving city during Roman times. The city reached its peak during the 1st and 2nd centuries AD,

Visitors to Jerash can explore the ruins on foot and learn about the history of the city through the many inscriptions and artifacts that have been found there. Jerash is also known for its annual Jerash Festival of Culture and Arts, which features performances of music, dance, and theater in the ancient Roman setting.

Jerash is also a UNESCO World Heritage site. The city is located around 48km to the north of the capital city of Amman and can be easily reached by bus or car.

4.The Dead Sea

The Dead Sea is a salt lake located between Jordan, Israel and Palestine. It is the lowest point on Earth, at approximately 1,412 feet (431 meters) below sea level. It is known for its high salt and mineral content, which makes it one of the saltiest bodies of water in the world. The high salt content also makes it very buoyant, allowing people to easily float on the surface.

The Dead Sea is also known for its therapeutic properties, as the minerals and mud from the sea are believed to have healing effects on the skin. Many visitors come to the Dead Sea to experience its therapeutic benefits by applying the mud and floating in the water.

The Dead Sea region is also home to several spas and resorts, which offer a variety of treatments and activities, such as massages, saunas, and beauty treatments. Visitors can also hike in the surrounding mountains, visit the nearby historical and religious sites, or take a boat tour on the sea.

It's a must-see attraction in Jordan and also a UNESCO World Heritage site. Visitors can reach the Dead Sea via a short drive from Amman or Jerusalem.


Aqaba is a coastal city located in southern Jordan on the Gulf of Aqaba, a branch of the Red Sea. It is known for its clear waters and coral reefs, making it a popular destination for snorkeling and diving. Aqaba is also home to several marine parks, including the Aqaba Marine Park, which is home to a wide variety of marine life, including over 1,000 species of fish.

Aqaba is also home to several historical and cultural sites, including the Aqaba Castle, which dates back to the 12th century, and the Aqaba Archaeological Museum, which houses artifacts from the region's history. The city is also a major port and a center of trade and industry.

Aqaba is also a popular spot for beach activities such as swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. There are also several luxury resorts and hotels, which offer a variety of amenities and services. Aqaba is easy to reach by bus, car or plane and it's also the closest point to visit both Egypt and Israel.


Amman is the capital and largest city of Jordan. It is a modern, cosmopolitan city that has a rich history, dating back to the Bronze Age. The city is built on several hills and is known for its beautiful views and mild climate.

Amman is home to several historical and cultural sites, including the Roman Theater, the Citadel, and the Jordan Museum. The Roman Theater is one of the city's most famous landmarks and dates back to the 2nd century AD. The Citadel is an ancient fortress that offers great views of the city. The Jordan Museum is the main museum of Jordan and it houses a wide variety of artifacts from the country's history and culture.

Amman is also known for its vibrant culinary scene, with a wide variety of local and international restaurants, cafes and street food. The city is also a great place for shopping, with many traditional souks (markets) and modern malls.

Amman is a great place to experience the culture and history of Jordan while also enjoying the comforts and amenities of a modern city. It's also easy to reach by bus, car or plane and it's a good starting point to visit other places in the country.


Madaba is a city in central Jordan, known for its rich history and cultural heritage. The city is most famous for its mosaics, many of which can be found in the city's churches and other historical buildings. The most famous of these is the Madaba Map, a 6th century mosaic map of the Holy Land that is considered one of the oldest surviving maps of the region. Madaba is also a popular destination for tourists and is home to several important religious sites, including the Church of St. George and the Greek Orthodox Church of the Apostle Elijah.

8.Kerak Castle

Kerak Castle is a large Crusader castle located in the city of Al-Karak, in modern-day Jordan. The castle was built in the 12th century by the Crusader King Baldwin I as a strategic fortress to protect the Kingdom of Jerusalem from the Islamic armies of the Seljuk Turks. The castle sits on a high hilltop and has a complex layout with several towers, walls, and courtyards. It was an important center of Crusader military and political power in the region for several centuries. During the Muslim reconquest of the area in the 13th century, it was one of the last Crusader fortresses to fall. Today, the castle is open to visitors and is a popular tourist destination.

9.Mount Nebo

Mount Nebo is a mountain located in Jordan, believed to be the site where Moses was granted a view of the Promised Land by God, before he died and was buried in an unknown location. According to the Bible, Moses was buried "in the valley in the land of Moab, near Beth-peor" (Deuteronomy 34:6). The mountain is located in the Moabite mountains and is an important religious site for Christians, Jews, and Muslims.

At the summit of the mountain, there is a church and a monastery, both named after Moses. The church was built in the 4th century and contains a mosaic floor that depicts the story of Moses. The monastery was built in the early 5th century and contains a number of important historical and religious artifacts. The mountain is a popular pilgrimage site and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. From the summit, visitors can enjoy a panoramic view of the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea.

10.The Baptism Site

The Baptism Site, also known as Bethany Beyond the Jordan, is a pilgrimage site located in the Jordan Valley, near the city of Al-Maghtas. The site is considered by many Christians to be the location where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. According to the Bible, Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptized by John (Matthew 3:13).

The site is situated on the eastern bank of the Jordan River and it is considered one of the most important Christian pilgrimage sites in the Middle East. It is believed to be the place where John the Baptist lived, preached and baptized Jesus. The site contains several churches and monasteries including the Greek Orthodox Church of St. John the Baptist, the Catholic Church of St. John the Baptist, and the Coptic Orthodox Monastery of St. George. The site was officially recognized by the Vatican as the authentic place of Jesus' baptism in 2000 and was designated as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2015.

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